Invoices that you upload or email in for processing are displayed in the following categories on the dashboard.
Note: If there are no invoices in a respective section these sections will not be visible to you.
You can access the Invoice detail screen by clicking on the category you wish to review.
Here is a quick overview of each category in the Invoice Automate dashboard:
Invoices that have issues
These are the invoices that incurred an issue during the processing stage. The majority of the time invoices are sent to this category as Invoice Automate cannot match these from the data provided from your property management software.
The reasons a bill will fall into the issues category:
If the BPAY reference is not attached to the property in Property Tree. Ensure the creditor is an authorised creditor and has a valid BPAY reference number, once this has been added it will be save for the creditor for the next bill.
If the bills are EFT based they will appear here by default for the first bill for that property and creditor. Once they have had the address and creditor entered, these details will be appear in the next scan and the bill will load into the approved category.
By default 2 pages is considered the page count for an invoice. If an invoice comes through exceed the defaulted 2 paged it will comes through as an issues where you can process only the relevant pages and the other pages can be disregarded.
Invoice Automate will automatically read the first two pages of an invoice so even if the document is more than 2 pages long, if the invoice details are on the first 2 pages, it won't receive this issue.
If the document that has scanned through is not an invoice,
If the document that has scanned through is of poor quality.
If the document that has scanned through is missing a page with invoice details.
The creditor isn't setup correctly or at all in your trust accounting system.
There is a short outage with the trust account software API where we are not able to receive the required detail such as property or creditor details.
Invoices that are duplicated
Invoices that are duplicated fall into this category. You can compare the duplicated invoice document and information, then action them accordingly by navigating to the invoice detail view and either remove or process the invoice.
A duplicate is considered within a 5 week timeframe by default unless you setup exceptions in your settings.
Invoices that need to be approved
Here you can find the invoices that were processed successfully and waiting for your approval. These have been data matched.
Invoices that are overdue
These are bills that have had reminders set and have lapsed past the time that has been set. You can automate some of the functions in the settings page around reminder automation and creditor notification.
Invoices that are recurring
These are bills that have had an instalment set so you can easily keep track of them. The recurring bills will only show when they are within 30 days of being due.
Invoices pending for Property Manager's Approval
The Property Manager will be updated each day with an email showing the list of invoices that are pending their approval. If they don't respond and you are processing these invoices on their behalf, you can override the approval requirement.