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How To Install The New Inspection Mananger App
How To Install The New Inspection Mananger App

This article will explain how to install the new Inspection Manager App

Updated over 6 months ago

IMPORTANT: It is important to note that you must ensure that all inspections with data in them on your old Inspecetion Manager app have been synced to at least Completed status on the Inspection Manager website before you delete the app.

If you delete the old app without finalising inspections that have data in them then that data will be lost.

It should be also noted that while both apps can be installed simultaneously the data from the old app will not convert over to the new app, so the new app must be used for any NEW inspections while you finalise the inspections on the old app.

1. Search the App Store (Apple) or Play Store (Android) for the new App

Please open up the App store on your mobile device and search for the following app:

Proptech Labs Property Manager

This is the icon/logo for the new app:

Tap the option to Install.

2. Post Installation - Logging in and adjusting settings

Logging Into The New App

After opening the App, you will notice that there is more than one option of app to access, to access Inspection Manager simply tap the 'Inspection Manager' option as shown in the screen shot below.

Entering your login details

Please enter in your email and password into the field provided. If you want the App to remember your password and keep you logged in, tap on the 'Remember me' checkbox. If you need to check your password is correct, tap the symbol to the right of the password field. After that, simply tap 'Login'.

App Settings

The App Settings can be found by tapping on the 'More' tab at the bottom right of the app and then tapping 'Settings'.

User Profile

At the top of the settings page you will see your user profile which shows your Name, email, Last Login Time/Date and signature. The signature can be edited and deleted from this section.

General Settings

There are a few general settings listed on the Settings section of the Inspection Manager App.

  • High quality photos - When this setting is on, the photos will be less compressed when taken through the app and images will appear larger and higher quality when viewed/downloaded from the Inspection Manager website.

  • Save media to gallery - When this setting is turned on, photos taken within the Inspection Manager app will automatically be saved to the photo gallery on the device as a back up copy.

    (The following two settings are enabled from the Settings tab on the CMS as an account wide setting)

  • Sync via 3G/4G - When this setting is turned off, the app will only allow the user to sync the inspection to the Inspection Manager CMS while connected to a WIFI internet connection.

  • Download via 3G/4G - When this setting is turned off, the app will only allow the user to download Last Inspection Data loaded on an Inspection while connected to a WIFI internet connection.

  • Quick Capture - When this setting is turned on, it allows the user to take quick consecutive photos without needing to save each photo as you take them.

  • Default Navigation app - Using the drop down arrow you are able to choose the default navigation app the Inspection Manager app will load when attempting to navigate to a inspection.

  • Font Size - By default this setting is set to 'Normal', those that struggle to read this size text can increase the size to 'Large' or 'Very Large' which will impact all text throughhout the app.

  • Send Diagnostic - This option sends all information of your app and inspections to Inspection Manager support, this can be used in situations where you may be experiencing tecchnical issues.

  • App Version - You can locate the version of your app at the bottom of the Settings page.

Should you have any issues, please contact our Support Team by starting a Chat or Emailing us at

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