About the App
Updated over a week ago

Inspection Manager Apps are used onsite to conduct your inspection reports. The Apps work in conjunction with the Inspection Manager CMS.

1. Inspection List

The Inspection List displays all active inspections that are assigned to the User who is signed in. After going into an inspection you are able to see all relevant property details, including address, property layout, tenant's name & mobile number along with lease information.

2. During Inspection

During an inspection you add the condition codes, comments, and photos to the inspection, you can even add short videos if conducting a routine. You are also able to edit the layout of the property from the app.

3. After Inspection

Once you have conducted your inspection, you simply sync it from the App and then finalise it on the CMS to then have a PDF report available to email/download.

Simply search for "IM Plus" on your device's App Store to download our App.

Available on all Apple devices and most, popular Android devices.

Should you have any issues, please contact our Support Team by starting a Chat or Emailing us at helpdesk@inspectionmanager.com.au

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