How to quote or invoice in Bricks and Agent using accounting software
Below are the steps and notes to ensure that you can upload your quote and invoices properly to Bricks and Agent.
For trades that have Bricks and Agent dashboard access:
If you are using MYOB or Xero accounting software and the email address of your MYOB or Xero is the same email of your Bricks and Agent trade account. Please follow the steps below.
If you are using other accounting software like Servicem8, other accounting software, or your MYOB and Xero has a different email address. Please contact our support team at: - From there, we can do processes to ensure that you can do the sending quotes or invoices to a job in Bricks and Agent.
First Step: The format PO Number: 212xxxxxx has to be inside the invoice. The number after the PO Number: is the job number of a work order you want to invoice or quote.
Example: You want to invoice a job with job number 230123456. This should be on your invoice PO Number: 230123456
Second Step: The job number should be the only one in the email subject, and the 9 or 10-digit number should be the only one on the email subject.
Example: You want to invoice a job with job number 230123456. This should be in the email subject line 230123456
Third Step: Use your accounting software as you currently do but instead email your quotes/invoices to and those documents will then be in your B+A account.