How to use the Console Cloud Sync

The purpose of this guide is to explain how to schedule inspections in Console Cloud and sync them to Inspection Manager

Updated over a week ago

How to use the Console Cloud Sync?

STEP 1: Search for the Property in Console Cloud

In Console Cloud, use the search bar at the top to search for the property you want to create an inspection for.

STEP 2: Create a new inspection

Once you're on the Property Profile, select "+ Add New" on the top right. Then click "Add Inspection”.

STEP 3: Complete the relevant fields for the inspection

Select the following fields:

  • Tenant

  • Inspection Type

  • Date and Time of inspection

  • Who to assign the inspection to

  • Frequency of future inspections

Then click on the "Create Inspection" button.

The newly created inspection syncs automatically into Inspection Manager.

STEP 5: Complete the inspection as you normally do using Inspection Manager

First, log into your Inspection Manager App and refresh your inspection list by sliding your finger down to trigger the refresh.

STEP 4: Auto-sync of closed inspection back to Console Cloud

Once the inspection is finalised and in "Closed" status, the inspection will sync back automatically to Console Cloud. You can find the report either under the inspections list or in each tenancy profile.

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