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How to Create Email Templates - Inspection Manager
Updated over 5 months ago

How to create an Email Template on Inspection Manager?

We have a detailed but simple to use Email Template system for Inspection Manager.

Creating your own Email Templates for each type of Inspection is very useful and helps you send off your Inspections from our system with ease.

The ability to create/edit/delete Email Templates within an Office is limited to Users that have Office Manager permission levels.

STEP 1: Go to the 'Settings' tab on the CMS once logged in. Then, click on the 'Email Templates' sub-tab.

STEP 2: Once on this screen, you should be able to see the filter along the top allowing you to filter through the existing Email Templates that have already been created.

To create a new Email Template, click on the 'Add New' tile.

STEP 3: The first field that appears will be asking for you to name your Email Template. You must give it a name in order to help you locate it in the email template list.

There are two template bases you can pick from, either the Basic option which is pre-formatted and fairly easy and straightforward to use, or Build your own, which is the more complicated and complex option. We do highly recommend the Basic option.

STEP 4: Before working on your Email Template, it's best to give it an 'Email Subject', select the 'Inspection Type' it will appear for.

Then select the 'Font', and lastly the 'Line Spacing'. You can also include mail merge fields in the Email Subject which are discussed below.

Once you're happy with those, we can move on to the email body and mail merge fields.

STEP 5: Clear all of the placeholder text and replace it with your own.

πŸ“ NOTE: We have a comprehensive list of mail merge options available for you to use. Please remember that you must have the Report Link mail merge option somewhere within the email body, otherwise, you will not be able to save the Email Template.

How to add Mail Merge Fields to your Email Body?

To add a mail merge field to your email body, you must first click your mouse cursor to the location where you would like the mail merge field to be added, then select the mail merge option you would like.

Example Email Template:

STEP 5: You can upload logos or images that you wish to use with Email Templates in the section below the mail merge palette.

Any elements you attach will be stored for future use should you need them. Your brand colours are also available to select from should you wish to incorporate those in your Email Templates.

Optional: Add an Email Signature on your Email Template

If you navigate to 'Settings'>'Signatures' you can then add an email signature. It has a similar process to setting up an email template.

Once a signature has been added and saved you will then find the signature as an option to apply to your email template.

Once you are happy with your Email Template, click on 'Save' just below the email body and you're done!


This will then take you back to the Email Templates sub-tab and display your recently created Email Template along with any other Email Templates that exist within your Office.

Should you have any issues, please contact our Support Team by starting a Chat or emailing

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