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Predictive Phrases
Updated over 3 months ago

Predictive Phrases are phrases stored in the CMS and allow you as a user to quickly add a comment to your inspection whether it be via the App or PC.

  • You can access Predictive Phrases on the CMS by browsing 'Settings' and then 'Predictive Phrases.'

πŸ“ Please note that the Settings Tab and any of its sub-menus are only accessible to users with Office Manager access.

Predictive Phrases are stored in two separate dictionaries, one for PCRs and one for Routines. We have them separated so that you can add relevant phrases according to the inspection type. This means that by default, phrases stored in the PCR dictionary will not appear in a Routine inspection or vice versa.

  • If you wish for both dictionaries to be available when conducting an inspection regardless of the type of inspection, then you can enable the 'Combine Dictionaries' switch on the top right of the page.

  • To save a new phrase, just type the phrase you wish to populate into the larger text box. The phrase is required and cannot be blank.

    The smaller text box is for the shortcut code and is not required, though it is recommended as this can be faster for you. If you do decide to add a shortcut code as well, we suggest starting it with the letter X as this is rarely used.

Shortcut codes work by you writing them out in a comment box and then tapping the space button. In this example below if you typed 'XWELL' + hit the space button, then the phrase 'The property was overall well maintained.' would appear in its place.

  • If you want to edit an existing phrase, select the pencil icon, make your changes, and then click 'Save'.

  • If you want to delete an existing phrase, select the bin icon, a confirmation window will appear, and click 'Delete'.

After making any changes to the Predictive Dictionaries, you will need to refresh the App by either logging out and back in again or refreshing your inspection list. That is the only way that the updated Predictive Dictionary lists will be updated on the App.

Should you have any issues, please contact our Support Team by starting a Chat or emailing

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