Inspections can come from two sources. They can be created manually or created by an integration sync.
Inspections that are created by a sync should have their details changed in the integration software before correcting the inspection in Inspection Manager. The reason for this is if you change the details for an inspection that was created by a sync on inspection manager, then the integration will change it back upon the next sync or recreate it. So to prevent this, it is advisable to correct the inspection in your integration software first before coming back to Inspection Manager and correcting the inspection there.
Inspections that were manually created in Inspection Manager can have their details edited without worrying about being changed by a sync.
There are two areas with the CMS where you can edit an inspection. The first is on the inspections page and the second is when viewing inspections for a property on the properties page.
Only Pending inspections can have their details changed. Any other inspection status is regarded by the system as having been started, so nothing can change once that process has started.
Locate and click on the pencil icon for the inspection you want to edit. The inspection details that you can change are the inspector, type of inspection, date, time and LID/Clone options. Make your changes and hit Save.
Changes will appear on the App once you sign out of the App or pull down the inspection list to refresh it.
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