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Advanced Inspection Features
Bulk send Tenant Assisted Inspections to Tenants
Bulk send Tenant Assisted Inspections to Tenants
Updated over a week ago

Tired of sending Tenant Assisted Inspections (TAI's) one at a time? Not to worry, you can now send TAI's to multiple tenants across multiple properties via the CMS.

Bulk sending TAI's only works using Inspection Manager's email system. if you wish to copy the TAI link and use other email systems, you cannot use Bulk send TAI.

In order to do this you must first have TAI active for your office. If you have not got TAI active yet, click here to be taken to the 'Setting up Tenant Assisted Inspection (TAI)' article.

To bulk send TAI's you need to first be on the inspections page. Click the status drop-down and select Pending

then select all the routine inspections you wish to bulk send TAI for.

Once the inspections have been selected, click on the 'Select Option' drop-down then select 'Bulk Send TAI'.

The email pop-up window will appear on the screen and by default the active tenants on the properties are pre-selected and will receive the email once sent. Simply select your email template and hit ' Send Email(s).

TAI is a feature that works using Property Space which requires specific data to come across. The three fields needed are Tenant Name, Tenant Mobile and Tenant Email.

If any of that information is missing on the tenancy within the CMS, then the TAI will not be sent for that address and instead you will receive a pop-up window showing you what fields are missing and for which address. Properties with that information will still be sent off.

Once all the emails have been successfully sent off, you will receive the following pop-up message.

Should you have any issues, please contact our Support Team by starting a Chat or emailing

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