Overview of Key Manager Role:
Key Managers play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and efficiency of Key Automate. They oversee key allocation, status updates, and overall system management.
Key Manager Responsibilities:
Search and Filter Keys: Key Managers can easily search for keys based on various filters, such as dates or key status, allowing them to quickly locate specific keys.
Manage Key Statuses: Key Managers have the authority to update the status of keys in the system, such as marking them as "checked out" or "returned," ensuring all information is accurate and up to date.
System Oversight: They maintain control over who has access to keys and ensure that keys are handled according to company policies.
Advanced Functions for Key Managers:
Real-Time Notifications: Key Managers can set up notifications to alert them when specific keys are checked out or overdue for return.
Reporting: Generate detailed reports on key usage, helping management analyze key handling efficiency and address any issues.
Borrower Information:
Borrower Tracking: Key Managers can track which specific individual within a company (e.g., Bill's Plumbing) took the key. This helps reduce confusion and ensures accountability.
Custom Borrowers: The system will allow custom borrowers, such as family members or salespeople, to be added for detailed tracking.