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Understanding Settings - CMS
Updated over 3 months ago

Note: Only users with Office Manager roles will be able to see the Settings tab. If you do not have this access level, please speak to someone in your Office who does have this access level.

Once you have logged in click on the 'Settings' tab.

This will take you to the 'General Settings' sub-tab.

CMS Settings

  • Default Sort Order: This will change the default sort order on how inspections/properties appear on the CMS.

  • Default availability for closed inspections: This determines how long a closed inspection will remain visible on the inspections page. After the selected time has been reached, the inspection will archive into the property and disappear from the inspection page.

  • Number of records to display per page: This will determine how many records are displayed per page.

  • Enable power manager access: This is ON by default, if this setting is turned OFF then users with Property Manager user role will only be able to see any inspections/properties assigned to them on the CMS.

  • New inspection time setting: This determines how the minute field on inspection times will change when creating an inspection manually on the CMS.

  • Autocreate the next routine inspection based on frequency: This will tell the system to automatically create the next routine inspection, using the property inspection frequency as the reference point on which date to select. If enabled, 'Inspection Creation Days Future' will also appear as they're linked.
    (This is only available for Offices without an Integration enabled)

  • Inspection Creation Days Future: This setting will tell the system to automatically create the next routine inspection when the date is 'X' amount of days before the inspection date.
    (This is only available for Offices without an Integration enabled)

Device Settings

  • Pin Setting for key number: The number saved here will be the code used on the app to unlock and display the key number and alarm code for the property.

  • Enable Sync via 3G/4G: Enabling this will allow you to sync your inspections from your device to our server using your mobile data.

  • Download Last Inspection Data over 3G/4G: Enabling this will allow you to download Last Inspection Data from our server to your device using your mobile data.

📍 (Please be aware of excess data usage and potential costs associated with Syncing or Downloading using Mobile Data. Speak with your network provider if your plan does not allow for high data usage)

  • Enable Video: Turning this ON will allow you to record short videos on Routine inspections.

Email Settings

  • Enable Email Function: Enabling this feature will allow you to email your inspections with report links attached to your tenants/landlords.

  • Enable Mass Email Function: This will allow you to email multiple inspections at once.

  • Enable Mass Email Function BCC: This will allow you to email multiple inspections with BCC at once.

  • Enable TAI Reminder Email Function: This will enable the automatic TAI reminder emails to let tenants know to complete their inspection.

  • Enable E-Card to a tenant on routine completion: This will enable the E-Card that be automatically sent upon completing a routine inspection on a property.
    (Configurable on the E-Card tab in the CMS Settings after enabling.)

  • Email Address List: Adding emails to this list will make them appear as options in the 'From' field when emailing.
    (Useful for shared emails like ''.)

Last Inspection Data Settings

Last Inspection Data allows you to copy Inspection Data from any previously 'Closed' status inspection of the same type on the same property.

Routine can copy from Routine.
Ingoing/Outgoing can copy from Outgoing/Ingoing.

  • Enable Feature: Turning this ON will enable Last Inspection Data as an option.

Conditions, Comments, and Photos:

  • Enable Selection in CMS: Turning this ON will show that data type as an option to select on the CMS.

  • Allow Re-Use: Turning this ON will allow you to re-use that data type in the app.

  • Enable Quick Selection: Turning this ON will enable the option in the app to quickly apply all previous data of that type in any one area.

📍 (Please be mindful when using Photos from older inspections and applying them to newer inspections. Photos are Time/Date stamped so reusing them will apply their original date of capture)


  • Edit Report Settings: Opening this edit panel will allow you to adjust certain elements of your Routine/Ingoing/Outgoing reports that are aimed at Landlords.
    (Certain legislation restrictions apply here)

  • Edit Tenant Report Settings: Opening this editing panel will allow you to adjust certain elements of your Routine reports that are aimed at Tenants.
    (Certain legislation restrictions apply here)
    If do not see this option and wish to have Tenant reports enabled, please contact Inspection Manager support via Chat below and request this. Tenant reports allow you to provide reports that are more restrictive in information, for example, you can prevent Photos from appearing.

  • Inspection Manager Report: This generates a very basic report showing the number of inspections assigned to all Users, at all stages of the inspection cycle.

Sync Settings

Different integrations determine which settings are displayed in this section so we will cover all possible selections, even though some may not apply to your particular integration.

Every time that your integration syncs with the Inspection Manager, our system will look for any upcoming inspections.

  • Inspection Creation Days Prior: This setting will look for and create any routine inspection that had an inspection date that was 1, 3, 5, or 7 days prior to the date of sync. (Only available for some Integrations)

  • Inspection Creation Days Future: This setting will look for and create any routine inspection that has an inspection date that is 7, 15, 30, or 60 days ahead of the date of sync.

  • Days till property will automatically deactivate: This setting will determine how long until a property will automatically deactivate on Inspection Manager after it is no longer being received by the sync integration. (Only available for REST Integration)

Task Based Office: Enabling this setting will allow you to re-assign any inspection created by the sync to another user and it will not change back to the original user. (Any future scheduled inspections will come through with the original user assigned)

Automatic LID Setting for Routine: Enabling this setting will tell the sync to copy inspection data from the last closed routine inspection on the property. You have 3 data options to select to come across with the inspection, Condition Codes, Comments, and/or Photos.

Who should receive your emails about sync results: You can add users that you wish to be emailed the sync results. You can select the frequency of how often they are emailed.

Should you have any issues, please contact our Support Team by starting a Chat or emailing

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