Schedule Inspection on CMS
Updated over a week ago

Users now have the ability to schedule their paperless ingoing inspections from the CMS, to be automatically sent off on a future date/time of their choosing. Perfect for those property managers who like to do their ingoing inspections ahead of time but don't want to send the ingoing inspection to the tenant before their lease start date.

Scheduling paperless inspections from the Apps will be coming in the near future.

To schedule your paperless inspection from the CMS, your ingoing inspection must first be synced and in a Completed status. You can choose to send/schedule your paperless ingoing by either using the drop-down arrow to the right of the 'View Report' button or while viewing a Completed ingoing inspection.

​Option 1 - Via drop-down arrow on 'View Report' button.

​Option 2 - At the top of a Completed ingoing inspection.

Regardless of which method you choose, the same send/schedule window will appear.

Ensure that the correct tenancy information is displayed here. Any incorrect information could cause complications for your tenants in completing their inspection.

Choose any attachments needed to be send with this ingoing inspection.

Add all of the Tenants on Lease that should be on the Lease. Every name, email and mobile must be unique. Using the same email or mobile in particular will cause issues for your tenants in completing their ingoing inspections.

Select your the email template that you wish to use.

You will then end up on the summary slide, where we ask you to double check everything is correct. You then have the option to either Send Now or Schedule. Choosing Send Now will of course send off the paperless inspection right away.

Choosing Schedule will get you to choose a date and time. The scheduler will automatically choose the lease start date that is saved against the active tenancy but if no date exists in that field, it will select todays date. Select the options you would like and then hit Schedule.

Once scheduled, you will see the new scheduled status for this inspection with a scheduled date and time on the left of the view report button.

If you wish to edit or cancel this scheduled inspection, you can do so by clicking once again on the drop-down arrow on the view report button.

Editing Schedule will take you through the sending paperless flow again, which will allow you to make adjustments to the paperless of this inspection.

If you choose to send a paperless inspection that is scheduled for a future date/time, then you will receive a prompt which will inform you that continuing to send will remove the scheduled inspection from the queue.

Selecting Cancel will ask you if you are sure, just in case :)

Should you have any issues, please contact our Support Team by starting a Chat or emailing

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